When was the last time you Allowed yourself to fall in Love?

Hey friends,

I enjoy making Youtube videos. In fact I Love it!

This year I’ve set a goal for creating 52 videos.  So far I’ve been pretty good at publishing a video a week.  However, it’s just been a month into this year and I’ve hit my first dip.  

It was a battle to get my last video out. Just the very thought of setting up the camera, getting in front of it, doing my song & dance, made me want to slump onto a sofa and Netflix. It got just too much.  

You know what I’m talking about. You’ve been there.  

Have you ever brought home a treadmill and let it gather dust in the attic?

Ever quite a diet, a course of yoga, a meditation practice?

Have you ever bailed out on a call to embark upon a spiritual practice,

Have you every wanted to be a mother, a doctor, an advocate for the weak and helpless;

Did you ever want to run for office, crusade for the planet, campaign for world peace or to preserve the environment?

Are you a writer who doesn’t write, 

a painter who doesn’t paint,

An entrepreneur who never starts a venture?

~ Steven Pressfield, the War of Art

Yes? Then you’ve been there. So, how does one get over this Resistance? How do I climb out of this dip?  

Well, like many things in life, give yourself permission to fall in Love, over time.

 â€œOver Time” is key.

Don’t keep asking yourself over and over again, â€œIs this my passion? Do I Love this? I mean that guy in this book/picture/youtube video, surely loves exercising/running a business/creating videos therefore I should too. But I think I don’t. I just better go do something else.“

Just like anything that you’re willing to warm up to, give it time.  Remind yourself why you do it in the first place and what feels good about it.

For myself, I love it when my Youtube video is finished and looks so good. Furthermore it feels brilliant when it’s published for the world to see. And I go bonkers when I get a comment that the video has actually helped someone!

Realise, it doesn’t have to be love at first sight. Sure, I don’t always love the process of creating and fine-tuning the video. But hey, I like it all well enough. That’s what matters. And if I stay on the path long enough I will be rewarded with falling in love. Once I do, the minor irritants won’t bother me anymore and Love will conquer all.

So, what’s stopping you now from falling in Love now? And what are you going to do about it?

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