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We’re Arif & Ali Vakil.

We’re brothers, and this our home on the internet! 

One lazy Sunday, our fingers were getting itchy and what started as a chat over breakfast on “what would be the best way to stay in touch with friends” led to the creation of this blog!

Besides staying in touch there’s a tremendous amount of terrific material out there that we come across and look forward to share. Hence this blog became the perfect platform to share & reflect.

If you’re new to our blog, here are some great posts to begin with:

Insights From Holacracy: 7 Ways Leaders Can Future-Proof Their Business in a Fast-Changing World
One of the biggest challenges business owners face today is being & staying relevant in today’s fast-changing world. I found my answer in adopting Holacracy. Here are my 7 top insights from implementing Holacracy.

How to Structure Your Organization to Profit from Chaos
Nicholas Nassim Taleb coined a new word. Antifragile. It describes the conditions in which a system can benefit from stress & tension. I describe in this post how Organizations can structure themselves to become Antifragile.

A Mental Model to Leverage Information Overload as Creative Fuel for Problem Solving
With the amount of information available today, it feels like we’re drinking from a firehose. However, the solution isn’t limiting yourself from sources of information. In this post, I share a new model to leverage the abundance of information to enhance your creative output.

A Fresh Look at Productivity for Knowledge Workers
Is productivity just about getting more done? Perhaps that definition was useful in the industrial area. But not for us knowledge workers. I explore how we as knowledge workers can organize ourselves to channel our creativity to make the best choice we can moment to moment that aligns with our purpose.

What keeps us busy?

We live in the beautiful hi-tech city of Bangalore. We’re involved in multiple businesses. Click on the links below to know more:

Vakil Housing: Our family real estate business that we’re part of. Bangalore city is getting congested. Our focus has been on creating open spaces. Of the 8.8 million square feet of premium residential spaces developed so far, 4.4 million square feet is open space.

ILM Montessori: We both have two kids each. Like any parent, it’s always a struggle getting your children enrolled in the right school. The options we had were either too far, too elitist or too focused on academics. So we started a school with friends. A school we’re proud to send our kids to.

Calm Achiever: A consultancy firm we started to helps individuals and organizations thrive in a rapidly-changing world. Calm Achiever is official partners for GTD & Holacracy in India.

Sufi Comics: Sharing our love for spiritual stories in the form of comics. It began with publishing comics on this blog and eventually, we became publishers of four Books under the name Sufi Comics. We’re working on our fifth.

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