What’s your worst fear?

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What’s your worst fear?



Torture of near and dear ones?

What if you’re able to bear that? Then, you’ll then have absolutely nothing to loose. You’re invincible, when it’ll come to standing up for the right. No matter what the consequences.


  1. fear…
    so much to lose
    hence so little to give
    and it squeezes all courage out of me
    yet i am destined to givein
    i cant lose what i love
    for what i love less
    i cant choose courage
    even to escape what i fear most…
    to be tagged cowardice itself…

  2. “So much to lose
    hence so little to give…”

    Beautiful Wardha.

    “Always do the things you fear the most.
    Courage is an acquired taste, like caviar.” – Erica Jong

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