Go Riya!

Here’s a Web Service that I’ve been meaning to write for a long time. Riya.com is a free photo sharing website with a difference. Once you upload your photos, using it’s face recognition technology it…

imac, ipod, iloveit!

They even made pc (the guy in the suit) looks like Bill Gates in these really cool imac ads.  Hilarious! Keep smiling :-) Arif Ps. The Virus ad and the Restarting ad are my favourite!

The Happiness Formula

There is a happiness test to figure out how happy you are, interviews with celeberity mind mechanics, how the Bhutan is the only country where happiness is at the heart of Government Policy and…loads of…

Web2.0 Awards

With a few web2.0 applications cropping up everyday, it’s becoming difficult to track them and separate the best from the rest. Here’s a site that lets you do just that. It gives an award to…


I don’t know about you guys, but I seriously think that the guys behind the Got Milk campaign have been watching a wee too much of X-Files reruns. I mean just have a look at…