The Art of Enjoying Food



I come home from work, exhausted, tired & famished. I hear the call for dinner.

It’s Biryani!

Hmmm… just the thought brings water to my mouth.

The the aroma brings me closer.

I prepare myself for the encounter, and walk towards the table.

I set my eyes on the biryani, and it looks back at me.

My mind is now empty of all thoughts other than the through of devouring it.

I make the attack!

The first bite is sooo good, I immediately move on to the second, then the third, fourth, fifth.

Before I know it. It’s all over.

My plate looks like an abandoned battle scene. Bones & pieces of meat lying around.

Even though it seems that I won…

I Actually Lost.

I love Biryani, but I didn’t enjoy it. It finished of so fast.

I was feeling full & bloated.

At the end, I didn’t want anymore.

Pleasure turned into Pain.

Are you enjoying your food?

Do you get that feeling of regret after having a meal, that you’ve had too much? ’cause of which you start feeling lazy.

This happens when we have eating habits like:

  • Eating while watching TV / YouTube
  • Having a meal over phone / skype
  • Eating too fast

Mindful Eating – The Secret to enjoy eating food

Have you heard of Mindful eating? No it’s not about eating anyone’s mind. :-)

Mindful eating a simple practice of being present while eating, and the secret to enjoy food.

Here’s why.

When you’re present, your senses are on full alert (like Spidey sense). As a result you will:

  • Start noticing the color and texture of your food
  • Appreciate where the food has come from and the effort gone into making it
  • Get a heightened sense of taste
  • Know when you’re feeling full, and when to stop

One step to Mindful eating

The secret to forming a new habit is to start small. So let’s focus on just one step.

Just do this one thing, and you’ll notice a Big difference in how much you start enjoying your food.

“Prepare for the next bite, only after you’ve finished the previous one completely.”

This one action makes you stop and savour what is in your mouth. Then creates anticipation for the next bite. It also makes you aware how much food taking in your next bite.

With Mindful Eating you not only enjoy your food more, but also feel good about yourself for not over eating.

Have you tried mindful eating? do share your thoughts below.


  1. Salaams man, easier said then done – let me try on the koobedeh and rolls this friday Inshallah :)

  2. eating with t.v, laptop, tablet, phone, book.. all too common..
    we’ve stopped talking to each other too..

  3. I’ve been practicing this with the family, but with a slight twist.
    I ask the wife what’s for dinner, if it’s good then mindful dinner.
    If left overs, then we eat distracted. So the kids don’t complain.

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