Taking a leaf from Michael’s blog, in addition to posting my long winding musings, I will henceforth also post shorter posts which will mostly be reviews on books, podcasts, lectures or sometimes just a quote that I have found moving/inspiring.
Just like Michael’s posts, these will generally be:
- Shorter—usually no more than a paragraph.
- Rated—with a five-star rating system.
- Linked—with the web page you can find the resource or original source.
I am really proud of our resources. Me and Ali have an inquisitiveness for a wide variety of subjects, mostly Spirituality, Personality Development, Productivity and GTD. I truly believe that for the topics that we are interested in, we have got the best material on the planet. We have scraped the depths of the Internet-Ocean to get our hands on the most authoritative, concise, influential and easily implement-able books, lectures, podcasts and videos on these fields. You are guaranteed to get excellent value from these.
Till I post my first few reviews, have a look at the havoc, the rains caused in Bangalore a few days ago. These are pictures from my basement parking lot at home.