Keep track of Web Links that we find fascinating and Books that we’re currently engrossed with.

The Arif & Ali blog is now on Twitter and

What’s Twitter?
Twitter is this wonderful service to help stay in touch with friends no matter where you are by sending status updates of what you were doing. So be it you’re visiting a websites (or a cafe) you can post a little update in twitter via your pc or your mobile phone on what you are up to. Me and Ali are now on twitter and will be mostly posting interesting links that we come across. Incase we mistakenly happen to do anything exciting, we’ll make a mention of that in Twitter too. To track our Twitter feed, it’s best done by downloading one of the Twitter Widgets available here. If you want to set up a twitter account you may do it here.

Books galore
We’ve always been into reading, but over the last twelve months or so, our library has exploded. We’re buying books ever so frequently and it’s truly great fun trying to keep our reading at the same pace, ofcourse it hardly happens. Thanks to the indepth review, comments and the ability to peek into the book itself at Amazon, we are able to get truly the best of the best of any subject that we are interested in. And once you’re following GTD, implementing what you read gets so much easier too. The subjects that we’re covered are as varied as the themes on this blog. Some of the topics have been:
Personal Development
Fantasy Fiction
Political/Essays on the World and India specifically

These books are REALLY good. I mean Really really good. Hence we were keen to share this with all those who are interested in similar subjects and reading about them. Some of the books that we like and recommend have been reviewed on this blog, but we are not able to do the same for so many others that are equally impactful. Therefore, those who’re interested what books we’ve been completing, you may keep track of them here. Anytime we’ve finished a new book, it’lll be uploaded onto that same link.

Ofcourse, both our Twitter Feed and Books at can also be tracked from this blog itself as you can in see the right hand side-bar.

Incase you have any recommendation looking at the books we’re covered, please post a comment, we’d love to hear from you.

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